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Discover the 12 Principles of Good Local Governance – ELoGE 29Nën

Discover the 12 Principles of Good Local Governance – ELoGE

The Council of Europe – Centre of Expertise for Good Governance has taken a significant step in advancing the standards of governance by introducing an enhanced set of “12 Principles of Good...
ELoGE: Strengthening local governance in Kosovo

ELoGE: Strengthening local governance in Kosovo

16 nëntor 2023

On November 15, 2023, the LDA Kosovo organized a conference in the Municipality of Peja focused on the ELoGE Program, the European Award of Excellent Governance in Kosovo.

On November 15, 2023, the LDA Kosovo organized a conference in the Municipality of Peja focused on the ELoGE Program, the European Award of Excellent Governance in Kosovo.

EloGE Panel: Enhancing Governance Excellence in North...

EloGE Panel: Enhancing Governance Excellence in North...

25 tetor 2023
During the International Conference on "A Wider European Community: The Importance of Local Governance" held in Skopje on 19 and 20 October 2023, a panel discussion centered around the European Label for...

During the International Conference on "A Wider European Community: The Importance of Local Governance" held in Skopje on 19 and 20 October 2023, a panel discussion centered around the European Label for Governance Excellence (EloGE) was conducted on the 20 October. 

30 години со Агенциите за локална демократија на Балканот: Пат кон напредок и европска интеграција
13 qershor 2023

30 години со Агенциите за локална демократија на Балканот: Пат кон напредок и европска интеграција




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