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Sister-Cities Partnerships: Subnational Actors in the Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of North Macedonia

  • 4 August 2022
Sister-Cities Partnerships: Subnational Actors in the Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of North Macedonia

The cooperation between local authorities from Macedonia and China, or paradiplomacy, is a topic that is not much researched. In cooperation with ESTIMA – Association for strategy creation, research, education and promotion of international values, ALDA gave its contribution with a short research entitled "Sister-Cities Partnerships: Subnational Actors in the Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of North Macedonia".

In order to better understand China’s presence in the Western Balkans, and particularly North Macedonia, it is important to understand the interests and nature of Chinese cooperation initiatives, especially their slant towards the local level. The purpose of this brief is to examine local level cooperation between municipalities from China and North Macedonia, the potential benefits, risks and actual achievements. To that effect, the analysis is based on five case studies of sister-city partnerships between Macedonian and Chinese municipalities.

The publication has been prepared in the framework of the project Promoting a values-based approach in the cooperation between North Macedonia and the People’s Republic of China

The publication is available in two languages: Macedonian and English.


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