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Strengthening local participation and cooperation through partnership of Public Authorities and CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina- LINK 4 Cooperation

  • 23 July 2021

Timespan: January 2021 – December 2023

Donor: European Union

The total value of the project is EUR 545,897.00, of which the EU finances 89.92%.

Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar)

Partners: Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici, Local Democracy Agency Prijedor, Center for Development of Herzegovina Trebinje, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy

Affiliated entity: ALDA Skopje – Association of agencies for local democracy

Project Description: 

The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes. Together they will identify concrete problems of the community that will find their solutions thanks to the participative approach. The project will therefore build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach in the years to come.

The main target group of this project are the 40 local CSOs and grassroot organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 12 Local self-government units – municipal administration and local councilors as local decision makers.

Overall objective: to strengthen the capacities of CSOs engaged in public policy processes to become skilled and reliable partners in policy-making and reform processes in B&H.

Specific objectives: 

1. Create stronger links to citizens by engaging in public policy process, reaching out to society as a whole including marginalized groups and grass root communities and encouraging civic activism and public participation in policy-making;

2. Capable, transparent and accountable LAs;

3. Effective CSOs;

4. LAs have enabling policies and rules for grass root organizations and civic initiatives;

5. CSOs create network for coalition-building for increased impact in campaigning and advocacy.

The whole process will involve: 

• about 20 local communities benefiting from improved public services in each municipality;

• 12 Las which will have strengthened capacities to implement inclusive solutions for local problems (Mostar, Jablanica, Nevesinje, Zavidovici, Zepce, Maglaj Prijedor, Novi grad, Kostajnica, Trebinje, Ravno and Berkovici);

• more than 40 CSOs which will have improved skills and capacities for bringing positive local changes in their communities.

Main project activities: 

• Training for trainers (ToT) on the application of the Council of Europe methodology – European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE)

• Needs assessment in accordance with the ELoGE methodology in the area of 12 local governments

• Training to strengthen the capacity to assess and monitor the local level of good governance using participatory methods for representatives of 12 local governments and local CSOs (Council of Europe’s LAP – Leadership Academy Program)

• Participatory process training related to local issues for representatives from 12 local governments

• Support to local CSOs from BiH through the award of small grants

• Forums for presenting best practices of cooperation / cooperation between local CSOs and local authorities and forming an informal network in the project area

• Implementation of digital democracy / democracy through the installation of 12 smart benches in 12 local communities from the project area

• Final project conference

Web page: https://www.link4cooperation.ba/#

Categories: News, Balkan




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