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Presentation of innovation games and children's neighborhood games in two schools in Veles

  • 9 November 2018
Presentation of innovation games and children's neighborhood games in two schools in Veles

On 9 of November, 2018, two activities were implemented in the elementary school "Vasil Glavinov" and "Kiril i Metodij" in the municipality of Veles. The name of the activities were "Activities for innovation games" and "Playing on the street, in the neighborhood" as part of the project "Creative Campaign to positive living practices, healthy habits and values”.

At the both events about 30 children from the 5th and 6th grade were invited and participated, where they had the opportunity of learning new, innovative games and to conduct their children's games in their schools. The role of mentors in the implementation of these activities had the teachers of physical education, Vesna Nikolova and Natasha Koceva.

Within the first activity, children enjoyed playing badminton and twister, and the second activity was intended for games that children play on the streets and their neighborhoods - basket and jumping rope.

Through successful implementation of these activities, it is clear that despite the attractiveness of the new technological devices and toys and the sympathies that children have towards them, many of the children know these games, enjoy and have fun while playing them.

The project activities were implemented together with the partners of this project - the Municipality of Veles, Municipality of Gradsko, Dame Gruev Primary School - Gradsko, Vasil Glavinov Primary School - Veles and Cyril and Methodius Primary School- Veles, as well as the Vardar Planning Region.

The project "Creative Campaign to positive living practices, healthy habits and values " is supported within the framework of the scheme for re-granting the project "CSOs for making local democracy work", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia and the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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