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Second meeting of the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”

  • 25 September 2018
Second meeting of the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”

The second meeting of the working group of the project " Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo " was realized at the primary school "Nikola Karev" - Krushevo on the 20th of September, 2018, and it was conducted in a positive and friendly atmosphere with the contribution of each participant in working group. Each of the participants was equally involved in the fulfillment of the assigned tasks and of the ultimate goals.

At the meeting, the participants identified the main objectives for each priority area, including the specific goals that created the basis for setting concrete measures and activities in the future, intended for the areas identified as priorities by the youth of the Municipality of Krushevo.

Participants showed motivation and great interest in the priority areas from the beginning. Each of the participants contributed to meeting the goals of this meeting, which in itself speaks the productivity and efficiency of of it.

The project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”is supported within the framework of the scheme for re-granting the project "Civic organizations in the service of local democracy", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia, the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and local government Veles.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK





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