Local democracy

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Workshop implemented by “NOVUS” as part of the re-granted projects

  • 3 July 2018
Workshop implemented by “NOVUS” as part of the re-granted projects

On 26 June 2018 the workshop "Participative democracy" was conducted in Strumica by the Association of Citizens - Centre for Research and Analysis "NOVUS", one of the re-granted associations in the framework of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work”.  

The objective of this workshop was to strengthen the capacities of the civil society organisations and citizens in order to become stronger stakeholders in the decision-making processes on local level and solving the problems of the target groups they represent, thereby contributing to the improvement of local democracy. About fifteen representatives from the civil sector, local self-government, youth activists and citizens were present at the workshop.

During the workshop participants were informed on the processes of participation in decision-making procedures and policy making on local level as well as on the measures for action such as: referendums, civic initiatives, citizen gatherings etc. The workshop was interactive and therefore joint conclusions were drawn and they shared good practices for citizen participation.

The participants agreed that there is a need for citizens to be more actively engaged in the monitoring of local policies and decision-making processes on local level in order to have successful participatory democracy.

The workshop was implemented by “NOVUS” within the project “Partnership the engine of democracy”, supported in the framework of the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

More information on the sub-granted projects on the following LINK.





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