Local democracy

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Organized trainings by ISIE for strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations

  • 6 September 2018
Organized trainings by ISIE for strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations

    Within the project of the Institute for Strategic Research and Education - ISIE “Building Capacities of the Civil Society Organizations for Exercising Citizens’ Rights for Local Level Referendums” on the 5th and 6th of September 2018, two trainings were held with a sole purpose of strengthening the capacities of the municipal administration and civil society organizations. The first training was held in the municipality of Butel and the second one in the Municipality of Gazi Baba.

    The goal of the project is that citizens actively use the referendum to solve their local problems. Recognizing the importance of the topic, the mayor of the municipality of Butel, Velimir Smilevski, as well as the mayor of Gazi Baba, Boris Georgievski, addressed the participants at the trainings.

    Through these trainings, citizens are encouraged to massively practice forms of direct democracy such as the referendum.

    The project “Building Capacities of the Civil Society Organizations for Exercising Citizens’ Rights for Local Level Referendums” is supported within the framework of the re-granting scheme for the project "Civic organizations in the service of local democracy" implemented by the Institute for Strategic Research and Education - ISIE.

     You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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