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The Co-management body started working: Creating a Workbook and a Monitoring Plan

  • 26 February 2019
The Co-management body started working: Creating a Workbook and a Monitoring Plan

After the official establishment of the co-management body for monitoring the implementation of the Youth Strategy, on 19 of February, 2019 in the Municipality of Krusevo, a workshop was organized for creating the necessary work documents for the needs of the body- the official Workbook and a monitoring plan, within the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”.

The event was attended by members of the co-management body, representatives of the Local  Youth Council, civil society organizations, professors as well as representatives of the Youth Council Prilep.

As a result of the workshop a Workbook for the co-management body was created, which will regulate the work of the co-management body as well as the Matrix for monitoring the implementation of the LYC as a way of collecting data. The President of the body and the Chairman were also elected at the workshop.

The body will submit annual reports to the Council and to the Mayor of the Municipality of Krushevo.

The project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo” is supported in the framework of the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this  LINK.





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