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Successfully completed the project Residents of the villages in Shara mountain and the civil society organizations in mutual cooperation

  • 1 March 2019
Successfully completed the project Residents of the villages in Shara mountain and the civil society organizations in mutual cooperation

The Mountaineering Club "Ljuboten" on 25.02.2019 in Tetovo held the final event of the project “Residents of Shara mountain villages and civil society organizations working together to contribute to the development of mountain tourism in the rural areas of Municipality of Tetovo”.

At the event, a publication containing detailed analyzes of the real needs of the people who are living in the mountain villages of Shar Planina was presented, as well as the economic benefit that can arise from living and working in these villages.

Some of the local population of the villages in Shar Planina attended the event and the participants had the opportunity from “firsthand” to hear several successful stories regarding the beginnings of the implementation of the projects, their course and the desire for cooperation on some similar projects in the future .

As a sign of support of this and many other initiatives that will follow in the future, a memorandum of cooperation between the The Mountaineering Club "Ljuboten", Municipality of Tetovo and the local communities formed at the villages, within the event was signed.

The main goal of the project is to strengthen the cooperation with the local population and to increase the influence of the civil society organizations and the local self-government in the future development of the rural tourism in the mountain villages.

The project “Residents of Shara mountain villages and civil society organizations working together to contribute to the development of mountain tourism in the rural areas of Municipality of Tetovo” is supported in the framework of the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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