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First meeting of the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”

  • 24 September 2018
First meeting of the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”

On September 17, 2018 at the primary school "Nikola Karev" - Krushevo, the first meeting within the project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo” was held. The working group was consisted of 13 participants. The participants from the working group came from local institutions (the Municipality of Krushevo, the high school "Naum Naumovski - Borche" from Krushevo, the primary school "Nikola Karev" - Krusevo), the Council of the Municipality of Krushevo (two councilors), youth wings of political parties (SDMM and UMS), high school community, local youth organizations and civic organizations.

The presence of the representatives from different institutions, organizations and bodies contributed to a productive discussion of the strategic goal of the local youth strategy; members were elected for the Coordinative Body, members of two working subgroups were distributed in order to elaborate all four priority areas in detail.

The diverse profile of all participants, the uninterrupted speech, the pleasant atmosphere and great enthusiasm and the motivation contributed to the successful realization of this activity. From the discussion, a general conclusion can be drawn that the youth from the Municipality of Krushevo as well as the representatives of the institutions have a particular interest and a clear desire to create a Local Youth Strategy that will reflect the real needs of the youth and at the same time will have the real proposals for overcoming the challenges of the youth and transforming the Municipality of Krushevo into a fertile ground for the realization of youth ideas and needs.

The project “Creation of Local Youth Strategy in the Municipality of Krushevo”is supported within the framework of the scheme for re-granting the project "Civic organizations in the service of local democracy", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia, the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and local government Veles.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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