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Organized the first forum dedicated to civil society organizations

  • 6 December 2018
Organized the first forum dedicated to civil society organizations

On 5 of December 2018, the first forum dedicated to civil society organizations, titled "Financial and non-financial support of civil society organizations from the local government- conditions, opportunities and challenges" was organized in hotel "Kontinental", Skopje. This event is the first of a series of 8 events that will be organized in several cities in Macedonia.

The finances and the financial support of civil society organizations, besides being the theme of this forum, was also a topic of the research that was presented, analyzed and well discussed. 

The research was done by prof. Borche Trenovski and prof. Marina Trpeska, who presented the results from the analysis of the civil society organizations financing by the local authorities, the transparency of those processes and the accessibility of those finances for different types of organizations.

From the fruitful discussion, which resulted from the significant presence of the civil sector, conclusions and recommendations were made and they represent a quality source of information for the public regarding this topic.

The forum "Financial and non-financial support of civil society organizations from the local government- conditions, opportunities and challenges" is organized within the project "CSOs for making local democracy work", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia and the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments financed by IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme.





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