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Recipe for local democracy: Workshop organized in Kavadarci

  • 27 November 2018
Recipe for local democracy: Workshop organized in Kavadarci

On 26 of November 2018 in Moklishte, Kavadarci was organized the workshop “Recipe for local democracy ” within the project “Transparent municipalities in function of local democracy” by the association Step to Europe.

The event was an opportunity to discuss the level of democratization between municipalities and civil society organizations, as well as the participation of civil society organizations in the decision-making process.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Kavadarci, Mitko Janchev, addressed the event and spoke about the achievement of democracy at local level through the involvement of the citizens in the decision-making process. The Member of Parliament, Pancho Minov, explained the connection between the citizens on one hand and the republic authorities and institutions in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on the other.

At the event, the French Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia, His Excellency, Christian Thimonier addressed the audience. He shared some good practices from the Republic of France, focusing on the level of democracy in the institutions at the local and national level.

The workshop as part of the project “Transparent municipalities in function of local democracy” is supported within the framework of the scheme for re-granting the project "CSOs for making local democracy work", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia and the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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