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Debate for re-granting

  • 31 October 2018
Debate for re-granting

On 30th of October, 2018 at the Stone Bridge Hotel in Skopje, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation organized a debate dedicated to re-granting, lessons learned, perspectives and challenges in the Civil Society Resource Center.

The aim of the debate was to share regional and national experiences, practices and lessons learned from re-granting as a mechanism for supporting smaller civil society organizations. The event was a excellent opportunity for organizations to debate and discuss the perspectives and challenges of re-granting, but also to propose improvements for this mechanism.

Within the session for sharing national experiences by organizations that had the opportunity to exercise the role of donor organizations, Katica Janeva, from ALDA Skopje, shared the experiences from the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for making local democracy work” which is being implemented this year.

The representatives of Konekt, Center for Civil Communications and Preda Plus also shared their experiences. Like ALDA Skopje, they have a common practice to mentor their sub-grantees for the area in which they operate and in the management of grants. All organizations had taken into consideration the grantees to be young organizations with small budgets and equally distributed throughout the country's planning regions.





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