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Training on Project cycle management and EU funds organized in Skopje

  • 19 December 2019
Training on Project cycle management and EU funds organized in Skopje

On December 16th and 17th in Skopje the training "Project Cycle Management and EU funds" aimed at strengthening the capacity of organizations and municipalities was held.

The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the different aspects needed by organizations and municipalities when applying and implementing projects. Through the interactive discussion with the participants and sharing their experiences, it was considered the usage, the advantages and the disadvantages of the different funds, as well as the different phases of the project cycle that were discussed.

After the theoretical part, the participants worked in groups of specific tasks. The work group was about developing a project idea (defining a need, problem, goals, results and activities) as well as the resources and budgeting needed. The training was finalized and completed by creating a logical framework (matrix) where participants worked in groups and then they presented and discussed it.

This training is organized within the framework of the project "CSOs form making local democracy work”, implemented by ALDA Skopje, European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia, the Association of finance officers in the local government and publicly owned enterprises (AFO) and financially supported by the European Union.

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