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Document: Charter of Reciprocal Commitments between the State, Mouvment Associatif and Territorial Collectivities

  • 21 September 2019
Document: Charter of Reciprocal Commitments between the State, Mouvment Associatif and Territorial Collectivities

The signatories of this charter commit themselves, under the watchful eye of the citizens, to a partnership approach aimed at better recognizing the associative life in our country and intensifying their cooperation in the service of the general interest. The State, Mouvement associatif, a recognized denomination of the associative movement, joined by the representatives of local authorities, renew and strengthen the charter signed on the centenary of the 1901 law. Local authorities and associations are today essential partners in the territories.

At local or European level, associations are vectors of solidarity between people and between individuals; they work to abolish divisions and inequalities. In a context of rapidly changing social needs, associations play a major role in alerting and questioning public authorities, but also in innovative experiments and managing services of general interest. Legitimised by the free and voluntary commitments it gives rise to, the associative movement enjoys a high level of confidence from our fellow citizens, which is essential for democratic life and social cohesion.

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