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Media4EU Thematic Forum Recap: Agriculture, rural development and joint agricultural politics

  • 10 June 2024
Media4EU Thematic Forum Recap: Agriculture, rural development and joint agricultural politics

The thematic forum on “Agriculture, rural development and joint agricultural politics”- Public, the role of the media and civil sector in the South-East region took place on the 6th and 7th of June, in Strumica, North Macedonia. The event is a part of the 3-year project Media4EU implemented by a consortium of partners and led by Eurotink – Center for European Strategies in partnership with ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy and BIRC – Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation. The initiative has the goal of enhancing the capacities of the media and journalists in North Macedonia in reporting and monitoring the country's EU integration process. To achieve these objectives the project included several workshops and organized exchanges for journalists to share practices and experience and to reach European media standards of reporting. 

The two-day event began with an introductory session by Eurothink’s very own Violeta Gligoroska, who presented the Media4EU project, its role, objectives and impact. The following session included a presentation on the IPARD 3 programme, and present participants were encouraged to raise awareness of such funds and motivate farmers and those in the agriculture industry to apply. 
The second session featured a presentation by Prof. Dr. Dusan Spasov from UGD-Stip. He emphasized the role that various institutions and politics can play in food production, especially for a small country like North Macedonia. During his session, he noted how new food safety regulations can influence farmers, especially those just starting or who have a small production. Later on, he also highlighted upcoming training sessions for various sectors, from advisors to farmers. After a fruitful discussion, the first day concluded on a productive note.

The following day began with a presentation by Suzana Trajkovska from MRT “Agrar.” She highlighted the need for farmers to have advisors who can assist them in applying for grants, suggesting that the government could finance these advisors. Suzana also emphasised the crucial role journalists and the media play in monitoring the disbursement of subsidies to farmers and ensuring full transparency. When asked about raising awareness of funds and subsidies, she recommended training sessions, competitions, and national campaigns organised by the government, ministries, and civil society as effective methods. The ensuing discussion focused on current television and radio programmes about agriculture, which are popular not only among farmers but also with the general public. Their appeal lies in personal interest stories and their connection to local farming communities, attracting a wider audience. 

Over the two days, participants engaged in insightful discussions and presentations that underscored the importance of transparency awareness and support for farmers in North Macedonia. The forum demonstrated Media4EU’s commitment to enhancing media capacities across North Macedonia and fostering a more engaged media landscape, ultimately contributing to the country’s agricultural and rural development. 

Categories: News




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