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6 Turkish Municipalities awarded with the ELoGE

  • 28 December 2023
  • Author: ALDA Skopje
  • Number of views: 2130
6 Turkish Municipalities awarded with the ELoGE

The European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) has been acquired by six Turkish municipalities for the 2023-24 period. The ELoGE, symbolising a culture of good governance in local governments, is awarded by the National Platform established in Türkiye under the coordination of the Argüden Governance Academy.

In 2023, the National Platform, formed by the Argüden Governance Academy, ALDA and Altınbaş University, evaluated applications from nine municipalities, including metropolitan cities, for the European Label of Governance Excellence, which is gaining increased attention in Türkiye. The municipalities granted the right to use the Label until the end of 2024 are Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality, as well as Bağcılar, Gebze, Sultanbeyli, and Şişli Municipalities.

On December 14, 2023, the announcement of the awarded municipalities took place at the ceremonies held at the Gayrettepe Campus of Altınbaş University. The opening speeches were delivered by Niall Sheerin, Vice President of the Council of Europe’s Center of Expertise in Good Governance, Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of the ALDA, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, Rector of Altınbaş University, and Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Chairman of Trustees of the Argüden Governance Academy.

Niall Sheerin expressed delight at the growing engagement of municipalities in Türkiye with the European Label of Governance Excellence, emphasising its role as a mirror for local governments. Antonella Valmorbida highlighted the significance of partnerships in Türkiye for ALDA, the European Association for Local Democracy, expressing pleasure in collaborating with the Argüden Governance Academy. Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan emphasised the importance of considering the ideas and desires of urban life participants for good governance.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, accredited by the Council of Europe to lead the process, underscored the role of trust in institutions for quality of life and a sustainable future. He emphasised that fostering a culture of good governance in municipalities enhances inclusive and participative democracy, thereby improving citizens’ trust.

Following the award ceremonies, the municipalities shared their experiences and exemplary practices in panels. Mayors of awarded municipalities, including Mansur Yavaş of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and Hüseyin Keskin of Sultanbeyli Municipality, expressed their commitment to transparency, accountability, and citizen participation.

The Integrated Municipality Governance Model© (IMGM), developed by the Argüden Governance Academy, aims to contribute to the initiation of ELoGE by municipalities in Türkiye. The IMGM facilitates the implementation of the Council of Europe’s 12 principles of good governance at every stage of democratic, administrative, and financial management.

For more information and to access the guide for municipalities considering applying for the Label in the coming years, visit: Link to the guide.

Argüden Governance Academy is a non-profit foundation dedicated to improving the quality of governance in various sectors, working towards sustainable success through trust in institutions. The academy collaborates with international organisations, universities, public institutions, companies, and NGOs to promote a culture of good governance and improve the quality of life.

For contact and more information, reach out to Elif Özduran at e.ozduran@tribeca.com.tr.

Read the article about the event





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