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Exploring the New Methodology of Euro-Integrative Processes at the School of European Policy

  • 18 December 2023
Exploring the New Methodology of Euro-Integrative Processes at the School of European Policy

The School of European Policy, organized by Eurotink on the 15th and 16th December 2023, in North Macedonia, is an annual event that guides the way to a better understanding of the European integration process and European policies. This year's focus is on the details of European integration processes, utilizing a new approach—the modified methodology of integration processes. This signifies a commitment to keeping up with the latest developments and adjusting methods to match the constantly changing dynamics of Euro-integrative efforts.

Representatives of civil society organizations, institutions, journalists, media workers, students, and young professionals gathered at the School. Their presence symbolizes a shared commitment to exploring and understanding the areas that North Macedonia will navigate in its negotiation process with the EU.

This year's edition of the School of European Policy is a traditional activity of Eurotink. It is implemented within the framework of the project "Media for the EU," which Eurotink - Center for European Strategies conducts in partnership with the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) and the Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation (BIRS) with support from the European Union.

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