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Publication "Research on the Financial and Non-Financial Support of Civil Society Organizations by the Local Authorities"

  • 25 November 2019
Publication "Research on the Financial and Non-Financial Support of Civil Society Organizations by the Local Authorities"

How do the municipalities support CSOs? Has the cooperation between the local government and the civil sector improved? Which municipalities have publicly announced a call for projects? The publication "Research on the Financial and Non-Financial Support of Civil Society Organizations by the Local Authorities" contains the answers to these questions and much more.

The research, conducted by the Association of Finance officers of the Local Government and Public Enterprises (AFO), aims to present useful and applicable recommendations for further development of transparency for financial and non-financial support from local governments to CSOs.

This publication contains the most common practices of local government support to CSOs, as well as transparency of financial support and synchronization of priorities with the needs of citizens.
For the needs of the survey, 43 municipalities were included through an online questionnaire from 8 statistical regions; 30 interviews with representatives of municipalities and CSOs were conducted and analysis of the practices of different municipalities was made, as well as identification of the similarities and differences between municipalities.

The publication is available in Macedonian, English and Albanian on the page below.

The research was conducted within the framework of the project "CSOs for making local democracy work". The project is implemented by the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) - Skopje, the Association of Financial Officers of the Local Government and Public Enterprises (AFO) and the European Movement of the Republic of North Macedonia and is funded by the European Union.

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