Local democracy

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Project info


CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work is designed to strengthen the impact of the civil society organizations in public policies on local level in North Macedonia. The activities contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) as well as to the creation of enabling financial environment for small and grass-root organizations. The implementation of the project activities would strengthen the role of civil society as key factor in the EU accession process. This project proposes a combination of interrelated activities designed to fulfil the project objectives: capacity building; research and advocacy activities, sub-granting, networking and awareness raising.

In order to create sustainable impact, the project involves different group of stakeholders: 1) CSOs and grass-root organizations; 2) LA with balanced geographical outreach and balance of population and 3) Centres for regional development as one of the stakeholders for territorial development.

The project is implemented by consortium of partners with good combination of skills, experience and knowledge on the topics covered:

1) ALDA Skopje (lead organization) as branch of European organization implementing activities for local democracy in North Macedonia;

2) Association of Finance Officers of the Local Governments – AFO (partner), professional organization with extensive knowledge of municipals finances;

3) European Movement from Macedonia –EM (partner), a community-based movement with high mobilization potential and

4) ALDA (affiliate entity), a European network of more than 180 members across Europe and 20 years’ experience working in the Balkan region.


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