Local democracy

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The 12 Updated Principles of Good Local Governance 28Nov
Strengthening local participation and cooperation...

Strengthening local participation and cooperation...

23 July 2021
The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities of local...

The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes.

Предизвици во системот за локални даноци кај општините...

Предизвици во системот за локални даноци кај општините...

22 October 2020
Целта на овој документ како што наведува и насловот е идентификување на предизвиците со кои се соочуваат општините во Република Северна Македонија со системот за локални даноци, а со фокус на данокот на имот....

Целта на овој документ како што наведува и насловот е идентификување на предизвиците со кои се соочуваат општините во Република Северна Македонија со системот за локални даноци, а со фокус на данокот на имот. Предизвиците кои се идентификуваат се разгледуваат низ елементите на данокот на имот и тоа предизвици во утврдување на даночната база и процена на вредноста на имотот како и управувањето со системот (техничко- административни).

Strategy of the City of Skopje for cooperation with civil society organizations with an Action Plan (2019-2021)
9 January 2020

Strategy of the City of Skopje for cooperation with civil society organizations with an Action Plan (2019-2021)

The civil society sector, in addition to the public and business sector, is an important partner of the local self-government in creating and implementing initiatives for a better life for the citizens. It is the role of CSOs to represent their target group (citizens) and their needs to the local government. One of the key processes in the operation of local self-government is the programming of financial resources that should be used to address the key challenges of citizens. Within that process, CSOs need to play a bigger role. The City of Skopje is making efforts to increase the support of the citizens through citizens' associations, foundations, which are a bridge to the local population. That is why this Strategy is a two-way channel for communication of the City with civil society organizations.

Manual for Mayors
31 December 2019

Manual for Mayors

In this issue, we additionally refer to the role of the Council of the local government unit, ie the activities and competencies performed by municipal councilors. The manual has great symbolic significance for ZELS and municipalities, because through it ZELS, establishes the first step of mutual communication with the newly elected structures in all its members. These are all 80 municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia, together with the City of Skopje, as a separate unit of the local government. The handbook also opens the horizon for further joint lobbying to improve legislation and ensure greater financial independence of municipalities, strengthened municipal councils, the creation of effective and efficient administration and better municipal services. In particular, the manual should provide the basis for further improvement of joint efforts to provide modern European municipalities, in which citizens will have good living conditions and quality services.

Manual for the decentralization process in the Republic of Macedonia - Me and my municipality
30 December 2019

Manual for the decentralization process in the Republic of Macedonia - Me and my municipality

Decentralization of power means the release of the central government from part of its competencies and their transfer to the local level, to the municipalities and the City of Skopje. With the decentralization of power, many of the issues that are extremely important to citizens have gained local significance. In that way, the citizens got the opportunity to directly participate in the organization of the most vital areas of their lives.

Draft-Analysis: Good governance of municipal democracy and civic participation at the level of local self-government
27 December 2019

Draft-Analysis: Good governance of municipal democracy and civic participation at the level of local self-government

The project entitled "Good governance of municipal democracy and civic participation at the local government level" contains activities aiming at initiating social change at the local level in the Republic of Macedonia, also aiming at consistent practice of democratic values ​​and uninterrupted participation of citizens in local decision making. By examining the situation in 8 selected municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia in terms of: their management of public finances, fiscal transparency, control and audit of public spending, the undertaken reform activities and initiatives by citizens in the last 3 years, we will get information about the species and the quantum of activities undertaken at the local level at the initiative of the citizens.



ALDA coordinates and supports the network of 14 Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) and 3 Operational Partners (OPs) in their activities. ALDA works throughout the enlarged Europe. Most of the Local...
Municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia and EU funds

Municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia and EU funds

EU enlargement is a two-way process. The new member states benefit from being part of the world's largest trade bloc, with more than 500 million consumers. On the other hand, the EU benefits...


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