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The State of Local Democracy in Central Europe

The State of Local Democracy in Central Europe

31 December 2019
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), as one of the programs of the Open Society Institute (OSI), is an international development and grant-giving organization dedicated to the support of good...

Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), as one of the programs of the Open Society Institute (OSI), is an international development and grant-giving organization dedicated to the support of good governance in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly Independent States (NIS). LGI seeks to fulfill its mission through the initiation of research and support of development and operational activities in the fields of decentralization, public policy formation and the reform of public administration.

Working together to bring the EU closer to its citizens...

Working together to bring the EU closer to its citizens...

27 December 2019
This document is based on the work carried out over the last five years by our 350 members, locally and regionally elected representatives. We work together across the whole range of Europe’s regions and cities...

This document is based on the work carried out over the last five years by our 350 members, locally and regionally elected representatives. We work together across the whole range of Europe’s regions and cities to ensure that the voices of our communities are heard. Our objective is to reinforce the European Union by involving regional and local authorities in the EU decision-making process, working closely with all levels of government and directly with citizens through a permanent dialogue. We want to anchor EU policies locally and make sure they are properly resourced. 

European Charter of Local Self-Government
27 December 2019

European Charter of Local Self-Government

The spectacular advance of local and regional democracy was the main innovation of 20th century democracy. The recognition of local democracy by the Council of Europe member states led to the elaboration of the European Charter of Local Self-Government – the first internationally binding treaty that guarantees the rights of communities and their elected authorities. This text, which affirms the role of communities as the first level for practising democracy, has become the benchmark international treaty in this area.

Document „European Charter of Local Self-Government“
21 September 2019

Document „European Charter of Local Self-Government“

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage; Considering that one of the methods by which this aim is to be achieved is through agreements in the administrative field; Considering that the local authorities are one of the main foundations of any democratic regime; Considering that the right of citizens to participate in the conduct of public affairs is one of the democratic principles that are shared by all member States of the Council of Europe; Considering that it is at local level that this right can be most directly exercised; Convinced that the existence of local authorities with real responsibilities can provide an administration which is both effective and close to the citizen;

Document „LADDER Project - "Decentralised cooperation and community approach between the EU and EAP Countries” - by Antonella Valmorbida“
21 September 2019

Document „LADDER Project - "Decentralised cooperation and community approach between the EU and EAP Countries” - by Antonella Valmorbida“

Local authorities and local communities are the most effective problem solvers if they have the possibilities to have their own decision-making and resources. The process of decentralisation and empowerment of local communities and the participative approach is one of the most challenging ones of these last years in the Eastern Partnership countries. Thanks to decentralised cooperation, which engages local authorities and local communities in international cooperation, it is possible to develop projects and activities that support local democracy and economic and social development. They are also creating strong links between communities and citizens, creating dialogue and trust. 

Document: Charter of Reciprocal Commitments between the State, Mouvment Associatif and Territorial Collectivities
21 September 2019

Document: Charter of Reciprocal Commitments between the State, Mouvment Associatif and Territorial Collectivities

The signatories of this charter commit themselves, under the watchful eye of the citizens, to a partnership approach aimed at better recognizing the associative life in our country and intensifying their cooperation in the service of the general interest. The State, Mouvement associatif, a recognized denomination of the associative movement, joined by the representatives of local authorities, renew and strengthen the charter signed on the centenary of the 1901 law. Local authorities and associations are today essential partners in the territories.



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