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Forum “Partnership as key for Local Democracy - Rethinking the cooperation between local authorities and civil society” in Skopje

  • 7 June 2019
Forum “Partnership as key for Local Democracy - Rethinking the cooperation between local authorities and civil society” in Skopje

The International Forum “Partnership as key for Local Democracy - Rethinking the cooperation between local authorities and civil society” organised by The European association for local democracy – ALDA Skopje will take place on the 11th and 12th June 2019 at the Hotel “Best Western” in Skopje.

This international event will gather 60 participants representing local authorities, the civil society sector and international organisations from North Macedonia, the Balkans and EU. The Forum will be a unique opportunity to exchange best practices and rethink the cooperation between local authorities and civil society.

Four diverse and relevant panels on good practices are foreseen during the event on the topics of: effective partnership between civil society and local authorities; support to civil society organisations; new and traditional forms of citizen participation; and international cooperation of local partnerships. You may attend and follow information on the Facebook event dedicated to the Forum.

The Forum is organised in the framework of the project “Civil society organisations for making local democracy work” supported by the European Union and the Central European Initiative (CEI).

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