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With the cooperation of the municipality and the local community, to a strategy for local economic development

  • 9 April 2020
With the cooperation of the municipality and the local community, to a strategy for local economic development

Rural Coalition Kumanovo was implementing the project “The local community and the municipality together create the strategy for local economic development!” 1 year on the territory of the Municipality of Staro Nagoricane. The Rural Coalition created this project in order to raise awareness among the citizens of the municipality of Staro Nagoricane about the need to involve them in the decision-making process at the local level, in other words - involvement in local democracy where a local active platform was created by all stakeholders who contribute to the development of the municipality.

We talked with Elizabeta Risteska-Mrceska, project coordinator at the Rural Coalition - Kumanovo, about the goals of the project, as well as the implementation itself, challenges and good practices.

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