Local democracy

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13 April 2022
European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in Kosovo*

European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in Kosovo*

The European Assosiation for local democracy - ALDA was acreditated to implement the project "European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in Kosovo*" by the Council of Europe. 

13 April 2022
European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in Croatia

European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in Croatia

13 April 2022
European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in North Macedonia

European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in North Macedonia

The European Assosiation for local democracy - ALDA was acreditated to implement the project "European Label for Governance Exelence (ELoGE) in North Macedonia" by the Council of Europe. 

20 January 2022
Link 4 Cooperation

Link 4 Cooperation

The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes. 

01 October 2018
CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work

CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work

CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work is designed to strengthen the impact of the civil society organizations in public policies on local level in North Macedonia. The activities contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) as well as to the creation of enabling financial environment for small and grass-root organizations.





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