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Cooperation between the civil sector and the local self-government: incentive for strategic development

  • 27 February 2019
Cooperation between the civil sector and the local self-government: incentive for strategic development

Rural Coalition and Municipality of Staro Nagorichane presented the Strategy for Local Economic Development of the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane on 20.02.2019 in the premises of the municipality. As partners of the project “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development!”, they started working together one year earlier on developing the strategy, involving all the stakeholders and local actors in the process.

"The importance of this document is from 2019 to 2023 and I sincerely hope that we will meet the expectations and development needs of the Municipality. A good and quality strategic document has been prepared, which will fully fulfill the tasks of the local economic development team, which was specially composed for this purpose. As stated in the document, we will focus on the development of rural tourism and cross-border cooperation, but at the same time we will work on improving the road and communal infrastructure, as this is a prerequisite for the overall development of each municipality"- said the Mayor of the Municipality, Mrs Zaklina Jovanovska.

The development of this document through one inclusive process and in close cooperation with the civil sector has once again proved the necessity of joint action of the citizens and the institutions, because the well being of the local community is a common interest that we are all striving to.

The closing conference completed the project “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development!” is supported in the framework of the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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