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Adopted the strategy for local economic development of the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane

  • 6 February 2019
Adopted the strategy for local economic development of the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane

In January 2019, at the session of the Council of the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, the strategy for local economic development of the Municipality of Staro Nagoracane for the time period from 2019 to 2023 was adopted. The adoption of the strategy emerged as a result of the implemented activities within the project “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development!“.

The strategy was presented by the Rural Coalition, as a partner in the process of the development of the strategy, after which was adopted with consensus.

The strategic planning process began in September 2018, and initially started with the establishment of the local active platform, in which were involved all the stakeholders: institutions, citizens and local communities. The goal of the local active platform was the adoption of the strategy in the direction of improving the quality of the living standard in the municipality in the long run.

In addition, three civil forums were organized according to the method so-called "world coffee shop", where all the stakeholders had the opportunity to discuss, give their ideas and proposals, which can contribute in all the areas for improving the living standard of the residents in the municipality and also to improve the quality of services which the municipality gives to the citizens.

The proposals and the ideas were transformed into specific strategic goals and activities, defining the mission and the vision of the municipality.

A period of promotion of the strategy is following, in order to enable the local population to get familiar with its content.

The project  “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development!“ is supported in the framework of the re-granting scheme of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this  LINK.





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