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Local Economic Development Strategy - Presentation and discussion

  • 20 December 2018
Local Economic Development Strategy - Presentation and discussion

On 05.12.2018 a round table was organized in Staro Nagoricane, attended by representatives of institutions in the field of health, social protection, the municipality and local businesses in order reviewing and discussing the strategy for local economic development as part of the project “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development!”.

The Mayor of the Municipality Staro Nagorichane, Zaklina Jovanovska attended the event and during her speech she emphasized the cooperation between the civil society organizations and the local self-governments, as well as the significance of the partnership cooperation between Rural Coalition and Municipality of Staro Nagoricane in the framework of the strategic planning process.

Informing the public, education, inter-sector cooperation, the involvement of the local business sector, the development of cross-border cooperation and the application of innovative technologies in agriculture and rural development are only part of the strategic areas or topics which will be developed in the next three-year period.

The period of adoption of the strategy of the Council of the Municipality follows, and the first two months of the next year will be used for introducing the strategy and its goals to the local population.

The project “The local community and the municipality jointly create the strategy for local economic development”is supported within the framework of the scheme for re-granting the project "CSOs for making local democracy work", implemented by ALDA, the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia and the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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