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Are you ready for a new adventure? We present to you the ENLARGE online gamebook

  • 19 November 2018
Are you ready for a new adventure? We present to you the ENLARGE online gamebook

ALDA is a partner of the project ENLARGE, funded by the European research programme Horizon 2020, focused on the effectiveness, legitimacy, and institutional sustainability of collaborative processes in the field of sustainable energy.

ENLARGE built an online gamebook to guide readers through a participatory process. The Choose Your Own Collaborative Adventure in Sustainable Energy Book is the hypothetical - yet realistic - story of a community embarking on collaborative processes in sustainable energy. It will be the users, it will be you, to take decisions, thus walking a path, reflecting on the consequences, and think of adaptive strategies to face challenges or unexpected events.

Play with ENLARGE gamebook (available in English, French, Italian, Estonian, and Romanian), and send your ideas for improvement to contact@enlarge-project.eu

For two years beyond project completion in September 2018, we’ll integrate the gamebook with ideas to make it as useful as possible for all stakeholders wishing to embark on a fictional collaborative process, before doing so in real life.

Participatory governance makes our communities better… 

Useful resources:
Are you ready for your online digital adventure? Play with the gamebook now!
Read more about the project ENLARGE on its website
Follow @ENLARGEproject -  #ENLARGEproject on Twitter
Watch our videos on YouTube

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