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European integration in perspective of the Vardar region

  • 11 November 2019
European integration in perspective of the Vardar region

European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia (EDRM) in cooperation with the Municipality of Kavadarci is organizing a panel discussion in the Municipality of Kavadarci on the 12th of November starting at 11:00. The panel is part of the project activities of  "CSOs form making local democracy work".

The purpose of this discussion is to affirm European initiatives for closer cooperation of local authorities with CSOs in the region, but also with other stakeholders in the municipality's development processes (entrepreneurs, farmers, educators, cultural workers).

The panel discussion will be opened by Mitko Jancev, the Mayor of the Municipality of Kavadarci, while the panelists will be Trpe Stojanovski, Professor at the Faculty of Security, Ss. Kliment Ohridski "- Bitola and EU integration expert, Mileva Gjurovska, President of EDRM, representatives of ALDA Skopje and the Association of Financial Workers from Veles, while Jadranka Mrsic, Professor at the American College University - Skopje will moderate the session.

A public and open debate that will contribute to raising vital questions and taking new initiatives is expected.
The panel discussion was organized within the project CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of North Macedonia financed by the European Union

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