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South-East planning region and European initiatives in the direction of local development

  • 2 April 2019
South-East planning region and European initiatives in the direction of local development

On March 29, 2019, in Dojran, the European Movement organized the fourth panel discussion of the series of panels in the framework of the project "CSOs for making local democracy work". The panel entitled "European Integration in the Development Perspectives of the South-Eastern Planning Region" united regional actors into a fruitful discussion on local development.

The event was opened by the Mayor of the Municipality of Dojran, Ango Angov, who highlighted the projects and activities of the municipality conducted in partnership with local stakeholders and supported by the European funds. The panelists Strashko Stojanovski from the Faculty of Law at the Goce Delcev University in Stip and Vasko Hadzievski from the Association of Agroeconomists talked about the potentials of the South-East Planning Region for the development of tourism and agriculture and the need for specific regional strategies on various topics due to the specificity of each region.

Representatives of the Municipality of Dojran, civil society organizations from the region and affected citizens shared their views on the current situation of the municipality and the region, as well as concrete proposals that could contribute to the further development of local policies. Participants and panelists agreed that decentralization of power in Northern Macedonia and greater autonomy of local autorities are the most important steps that the country should make in the direction of local development.

The panel discussion was organized within the project CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” implemented by ALDA, Association of financial Workers of Local Governments and public enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia financed by the European Union.

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