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Two-year successful implementation of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work”

  • 28 January 2019
Two-year successful implementation of the project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work”

Two years have passed from launching the project CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work and since then the project partners have implemented numerous activities specially designed to increase the impact of the civil society organizations in public policies on local level in Macedonia.

Here are only few of the local activities that ALDA Skopje, The European movement and The Association of Finance Officers have implemented in 2018.

As part of the the sub- granting scheme, twelve ideas presented by civil society organizations or informal groups were rewarded with grands in order to focus on implementing small actions that will promote increasing transparency, accountability and local democracy. Four trainings on different topics were organized in order to help the grantees to strengthen their capacities. 

Our sub-grantees implemented their activities for six months in their local communities with success. You can read more in the Subgranting section of our internet site.

The international conference “European integration trough the perspective of cooperation between civil society and local authorities” was organized in November by the European movement. The aim of this conference was sharing good practices from Macedonia, the Balkan region and the European Union countries focusing on the cooperation between civil society and the local authorities and the role of such cooperation in the European integration process. 

The conference was an opportunity to present two publications on the cooperation between municipalities and the civil sector titled “Co-operation between public authorities and civil society at local level in Republic of Macedonia” and “Financial and non-financial support from local authorities to civil society organisations”.

The year was finalized by the local forums and panel discussions that were organized in different cities in Macedonia by The European movement and The Association of Finance Officers, were the local community and local civil society had the opportunity to share their experience with their municipalities.  

2019 is the last year of the project and the project partners have still a great number of activities to implement. 

Follow the internet site of the project for new information of our activities.  






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