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The first Forum for policy making at local level organised by AGRO LIDER

  • 8 August 2018
The first Forum for policy making at local level organised by AGRO LIDER

The Local Action Group AGRO LIDER organised the first Forum for policy making at local level as part of the activities of the project "Together for the wellbeing of the community" on 1 August 2018 in the Municipality of Prilep. AGRO LIDER is one of the funded organisations within the project "CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work".

The Forum tackled the challenges for the involvement of civil society organisations in the creation of policies on local level in rural areas. The Forum gathered representatives from the local government, the business sector and the civic sector from Prilep, Krivogashtani and Dolneni. The different profiles of participants contributed to the future facilitation in communication and cooperation between different sectors.

One of the main conclusions of the Forum was the need to bring local government and municipal structures closer to the population, especially to those who do not have adequate access to the municipality. The insufficient flow of information between the local government and the rural population was defined as the foremost priority.

The Conclusions of the Forum will be additionally featured in a Manual adapted to each municipality involved in the project.

The purpose of the project "Together for the wellbeing of the community" is to engage citizens in the planning and decision-making processes in order for the local government to produce results that reflect the needs of the local community.

The project "Together for the wellbeing of the community" is supported within the framework of the re-granting scheme for the project "CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work" implemented by ALDA Skopje, the Association of Financial Workers of Local Governments and Public Enterprises and the European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia and financially supported by the European Union.

You can find more information about the re-granted projects on this LINK.





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